Thursday, March 25, 2010

On how to avoid car crashes

I read this theory somewhere, and i totally agree with it. It’s about car crashes and how to avoid them.There’s tons of ways to have a collision, but fundamentally there’s only one way:

Two objects intersect the same space at the same time.

Therefore, the best way to reduce the risk of having a collision is to occupy any given section of space for as short a period of time as possible. The odds of there being another object in that exact same space at that slice of time are drastically reduced. As you drive faster you occupy any sub-division of space for less total time, so the faster you drive the less likely you are to be in a collision.


If your car is parked at Spot A, then it has a 100% chance of being rammed by any other car that attempts to occupy Spot A. If, instead, your car is zooming through Spot A at full speed, then there’s a vanishingly small chance your car will be anywhere near Spot A when another vehicle attempts to occupy that space.

Apply that logic to every individual inch of a journey, and the odds of you having a wreck at any given moment are next to nothing!

Now, there are those of you out there who are saying things like, “That’s not how logic works.” Or maybe, “You’re an idiot."

That’s fair. But to you, I say this: make it legal for me to do, say, 130kph everywhere so I can put the theory to the test. 90kph would also be cool if there’s like a school zone or whatever, relative speeds in those areas are anyways less.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

On Dancing

A year ago, i didnt know what was so great about dancing. I mean, yeah we've seen people who like to dance and sing and all , but personally it was all really out of my league. Watching hindi movies, i used to skip through the song sequences and when in a theatre, would happily take out mi cell and stare at the clock for 5 mins while the characters on the screen monkeyed around.

When  going to weddings, and i am a punjabi, weddings for us are mad occasions with lots of drums and music and dancing and recently shit like dancefloors and dj's, i would develop a basketball injury and apologetically refuse to step in the limelight, preferring to watch from a distance how respectable people, into property buisness or any reputable profession, make a fool out of themselves, swinging their fat bellies and tata sumo spec arses to some hollywood crapmusic. to be very honest, i still am not sold on the idea of dancing at weddings, it shit, ive tried it and made a fool out of myself, so i still have many basketball injuries to come.

neways, my first introduction to professional dance came when mi sis came for her holidays and said she wanted to learn salsa, couldnt find a partner so she dragged me along. i was like, okay, as so many girls dig dancing, and salsa is very popular in my college. i went along. i survived three classes. that asshole made us do some bollywood dance steps every class before starting salsa for warming up and timepass, and i used to loathe it. the actual salsa was nice and elegant until he said to pronounce the swing of my behind. that was my last class.

now, we have these college festivals in which there are dancing competitions. very good, i will turn up and see whether my class wins or not, as public approval through cheering is also important for the judges and i will try my best to make my class win, join the crowd and  generally add my voice to the cheering crowd. this year though, these two girls who were dancing were determined to make me dance. and since nobody else was volunteering for the dance, i agreed, well i had to or else i would have had two very upset girls, and i cant do that, the nice guy that i am.

so i danced in the college festival to some bollywood crapmusic and to be very frank, i still dont remember the songs that we danced to, i know there was some bounce in it, cuz we had to run in when we heard that. neways, the dance. i was convinced that i would be so bad that they would have to ask me to leave and everything would get uncomfortable and they would be extra nice to me cuz i would be feeling bad for getting kicked out. i was happy when two of the girls went in the corner to talk about something, i thought, about how to tell me go away politely. but now, i thing it was just some girly talk, cuz they didnt ask me to fuck off, and said that i dance pretty ok. i still dont know whether they were pulling my leg, cuz i still think i am shit in dancing. i was very conscious during the whole practising thing and was constantly asking my partner if it is okay or am i doing something wrong. there was this part, someone told me is part of jive or something, in which we had to look at our partners and dance. couldnt do it...its really weird. i mean, you are looking at her and just smiling, not saying anything, you jus have to say something. either i would say something stupid, cuz lets face it, times when i say stuff which is not stupid are very less, or i would look at my feet. wisely, i chose the latter.

nyways, the guys had an insignificant part in the whole dance and the girls were mainly dancing most of the times.i would like to say that we got selected for the finals because the girls danced so well, but i dont know what dancing nicely is. what i do know is that us guys fucked up the whole finals on the stage. forgot the partners in the end, timed everything wrong, looked at my feet while dancing, no expressions and generally made a complete hash of everything.

after the dance and everything, we took consolation in the fact that we had fun while dancing and enjoyed ourselves. yeah well, but i enjoyed more on the drive back home, when i had to drop some ppl and every1 was late and i was driving like a maniac. if mi parents had seen me drivin like that, i'm pretty sure they would have taken away my license and the car keys and shot me if i went within a mile of the car.weaving through the expressway traffic at ninety in a swift has its certain pleasures i think. i could go on about why a swift is the right car cuz of its suspension setup but i'm afraid i'll lose you, so i'll save it for a later post. back to the dance, yeah, i can say i enjoyed the whole experience. not only the dance, but after the dance we were just goofing around in the grounds, jumping to the different songs and singing summer of 69, it was good fun.

neways, i guess next year, i might be interested for the dance again, if the pros decide there is space for a goofball like me. yeah, even i am surprised. me interested in dancing?? next, i will be listening to buppi lahiri and crap hindi songs.

will have to think about this one. a lot.

enjoy, while i pound my head to a pulp trying to sort out this dilemma.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

on death

how does it feel when there is nothing left for you in this world,nothing to live for, that its time to say your farewells and go to eternal rest. the feeling when the doctor says " no sports for a month "

these words, carelessely spewed out of the doctor's mouth, are the reason i am ready to embrace the other world, the afterworld. alright, so i have been injured pretty badly, and its a pretty deep cut, and it hurt like hell when i went to the doc, but one month, cmon mann...i have a bball match tomorrow...and its the holidays, i will go trekking atleast once. you mean to say that in this super technology age of video conferencing and space- hotels, you dont have a cure for a bloody cut on the bloody leg. what have you been doing all those years in your medical school..ogling at the teachers??

it turns out that there is a way in which you can be up and running in 2 days. well bring it on then buddy, what are you waiting for. its called stitches. wait a minute pal, whaddya mean stitches. i mean a needle, some special string, and a tailor. bloody hell, get away from my leg you maniac.

have you ever been stiched before?i havent, but now i have heard about it. they quite literally stitch it. i mean, they take some special string and a needle and sew it up. i'll be damned if i let those maniacs anywhere near my leg. i'm already afraid of needles and was terrified enough of the bloody injection. in fact, a friend heard me crying to ma mum "i am afraid of injections and i dont think it is necessary"(well the actual words were more like a little boy says them) and has spread the word, and its quite embarrasing now.

neways it means that i couldnt climb stairs, couldnt even drive as the bloody brakes are too hard to push, and it hurts. n treating the leg too hard, no trekking or sports for a month, and get the dressing changed every 2 days. but this all pales in comparison when i go to take a bath. it is absolute torture to keep it dry, and i would have explained it but its kinda embarrasing.

so there you go, no sports, and that means no chance of seeing that cute badminton chick again...damn i just realised that...and no trekking....god i want to die...atleast there'll be angels out there...nice:D

enjoy...while i get bored reading others testimonials on orkut...;)

Monday, January 5, 2009


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Happy New Year to all of you!!!

Enjoy 2009!!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

On Music and Stuff...


long time since my last post.lots has happend in the time i was away.lets first start with mood indigo.

mood indigo is this awesome iit bombay cultural fest and i had attended it, for all the four days. But the important stuff happened on day 1 and 4.

Day 1 was the ensiferum concert. it is a finnish metal band, complete with growling vocals and awesome guitar melodies. now i must confess i was not much of a metal fan, especially with the growling lyrics and stuff. i am more into radiohead, red hot chilli peppers and more alternative stuff, soft and clean guitar and vocals. i was not even planning to attend the show, but just to show i am right there with the metal-head-maniacs in the world, i went and stood near the mosh pit, not in it mind you, that is suicide for someone with my mosh-skills. ensiferum came. and oh my god. i am a changed guy now. my playlist has got everything from dimmu borgir to rob zombie to marlyin mansion and of course ensiferum. that concert was the best thing that ever happened to me.

On day 2, i played paintball for the first time, and it was totally awesome. dress up in those camoflague clothes and use those gas powered paint guns, i loved it. there was this guy who was complaining how his daughter shot him...well dude, alteast she has a nice aim. saw get smart, in which those agents play something like paintball, and this guy shoots the other guy's penis...i sooo wanted to do that once in my life...but couldnt....but it was generally very good fun.

now to day 4. the special on this day was the fashion show. i have recently seen he victoria's secret show, 2008 and was kinda anticipating something like that(you know, bikinis and justin timberlake concert stuff). well in india, things are a little bit different. the bikini is elaborately covered by a saree and justin timberlake is shunned for the more popular soundtrack from the movie fashion played on crappy speakers. methinks, things are not going all that well, and a couple of my friends agree. the worst however comes now. but to understand that, we must look into my background first.

in my school, by the time i reached the 12th grade, basketball had become very popular. now i am not saying i was the best in the school, but i belonged to the group of the best players in the school(isnt that the same thing?:D)...annyways, there were some girls who were interested in basketball also, and we never paid attention to them, i mean, which hot chick would like to play basketball and ruin her time, unaware that their talent lies elsewhere? this is where we all went wrong, since the real talent i was talkin about was lurking on the court, it was just buried under the school uniform with round pair of glasses and the compulsory two pleats(the thing girls do with their hair, i think its called dat but m not sure).

i guess anyone can figure out the rest. one of the finalist of the show was the basketball player from school, and oh my god(again!). i coudnt recognise her, i mean, how can somebody change sooooo much. and now everybody from school is trying to contact her, trying to be cool and stuff. but that is just desperate. forget it dudes, shes out of your reach now. 

wat is more interesting is that i used to date a girl who used to be in the same class(i always get the wrong girl;)), and she hastold me some interesting facts about her. one is that she is a major 'PIA', and is very girly girly kind of girl. i approve.

neways, cant do anything about it, so lets leave that story there.

chuckle about this story while i go listen to some more cradle of filth.

enjoy....and yeah.....happy new year!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

about porsches and hobbies


came across this very interesting fact in a magazine about cars(topgear), it is about porsches. no, bear with me, for once it is not about the car. the editor commented that porsches are for hobbyists, and hobbies are for those who were caught mastrubating as a child, and were encouraged to take up hobbies like music or sports to divert their minds. so the editor would not prefer a porsche to say, a ferrari, even though Steve McQueen used to like porsches and they are more practical(more seats, a boot, good visibility.....but i'm not gonna bore you with the facts).

i must say that it is a very interesting fact about hobbies, puts the whole "music/whatever is my hobby" thing in a new light. i never thought about hobbies in this way, and i'm pretty sure none of u did either. and it kinda makes sense. i mean, when you were kids, didnt your parents push you to learn music, or go to the basketball court and develop a hobby, to keep your mind healthily occupied, even before you were 13.

hmm...also worth thinking about is that all the sports men good at their game started at an early age......i wonder why.

ponder on this bit of information while i go and remove the really big porsche poster in my room.

[by the way did you know that the largest selling musical instrument in the world is the harmonica?:D]